Hostel: temporary living


Hostel rooms for business travellers or private individuals are also available at the Kemptner Green Living Inn. Furnished, price-efficient temporary living in student accommodation!

We offer: Single room, double room, 2-room flat, 3-room flat.


Room facilities


The fully furnished rooms with

en-suite bathrooms also have a microwave, fridge with freezer compartment, TV with satellite and wi-fi.



Internet access is provided via Hotspot of the company GoingSoft



Free parking spaces subject to availability in the underground car park or in the outdoor parking spaces




Einmal pro Woche wird das Zimmer gründlich gereinigt. Hier wechseln wir die Bettwäsche und tauschen die Handtücher aus



There are 3 coin-operated washing machines and coin-operated dryers in the laundry room.





Single room:

Daily rate: € 55.00 incl. 7 % VAT.

Monthly rate: 797.50 € incl. 7 % VAT.





Double room:

Daily rate: € 75.00 incl. 7 % VAT.

Monthly price: € 898.80 incl. 7 % VAT.






You are welcome to send us an enquiry directly here.
Please note that the reception desk is not staffed continuously.
We regret that we are unable to process short-notice enquiries at weekends or on public holidays.

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